This comprehensive resource arms classroom teachers and administrators with information to meet today's adolescent literacy challenges. In Part I, the authors highlight research on what works with adolescent learners and discuss how to implement instructional programs to fit the unique needs of your school or district. Part II presents a directory of more than 40 programs designed for middle and secondary students. Each program description includes: An overview of the instructional approach; A description of available professional development resources; Summaries of any program evaluations conducted; Contact information for program publishers. Summary charts offer a quick way to identify programs suitable for particular students typically developing, advanced, struggling, those with learning disabilities, or English learners, all by grade level or that include specific features.
Citation: Deshler, Donald D.; Palincsar, Annemarie Sullivan, et al., Informed Choices for Struggling Adolescent Readers. A Research-Based Guide to Instructional Programs and Practices ( International Reading Association, 2007)
Program: Education