Over the past 25 years, the National Committee on United States-China Relations has written five survey-based reports that provide an overview and analysis of China-related international relations and security issues at American academic centers, think tanks, and NGOs. The latest of these reports, American International Relations and Security Programs Focused on China: A Survey of the Field (2021), is a snapshot of a specific moment in time, capturing the thoughts and attitudes of the respondents — specialists and scholars in the complex field of China studies. Funded and published by Carnegie Corporation of New York, the report identifies major research gaps on the frontiers of the field, including: Emerging Technologies; China’s International Economic Engagement; Data Access; Nontraditional Security Studies; and Understanding China’s Political Intentions.
American International Relations and Security Programs Focused on China: A Survey of the Field. New York: National Committee on U.S.-China Relations (NCUSCR) and Carnegie Corporation of New York, 2021.
Program: International Peace and Security