- African AcademicsLocal Problems, Local Expertise: Addressing Urban Accessibility and Mobility Issues in South Africa
With Corporation support, Hazminei Tsitsi Tamuka Moyo considers how South African cities can address urban accessibility and mobility issues and the marginalizing consequences of past city planning
Carnegie Reporter Fall 2023African Academics
- Andrew Carnegie FellowsAndrew Carnegie Fellows Bookshelf: From the Frontlines of Peace to America's Legacy of Poverty
From researching the nation's legacy of poverty in rural areas to creating a user-friendly guide to environmental governance, these Andrew Carnegie Fellows are dissecting problems and offering solutions
Carnegie Reporter Summer 2024Andrew Carnegie Fellows
- Andrew Carnegie FellowsWhy Has the United States Become So Polarized?
Many of us make assumptions about polarization, but how sure are we that we are right? The 2024 Andrew Carnegie Fellows are developing a body of research around its causes and implications
PolarizationAndrew Carnegie Fellows
- WatchThe Making of a Humanities Scholar: Beyond STEM in Africa
A distinguished African professor argues that the humanities together with STEM are necessary to build Uganda and infuse its development with values and ethics
Carnegie Reporter Summer 2020African Academics - ReportA Decade of Strengthening Higher Education and Research Capacity in Africa
The Corporation has invested $134.43 million to help the continent develop and retain the next generation of African academics, build connections between members of the African academic diaspora and African universities, and facilitate higher education policy and research
African Academics
- Andrew Carnegie FellowsDoes Local News Reduce Polarization?
More than half of American counties are without access or have very limited access to local news. Political scientist and Andrew Carnegie Fellow Joshua P. Darr has been studying what the loss of local news means for American communities
Carnegie Reporter Summer 2024PolarizationAndrew Carnegie Fellows - African HumanitiesGlobalizing Knowledge
The African Humanities Program makes rigorous research from the continent available to a global academic readership through its African Humanities Series
African Higher Education Policy - Andrew Carnegie FellowsHow Do Dictatorships Survive in the 21st Century?
Early in the twenty-first century, the number of democracies surged past the tally of authoritarian states worldwide. By 2019, dictatorships outnumbered democracies. Why do they keep rising from the ashes?
Carnegie Reporter Winter 2022Andrew Carnegie Fellows - Andrew Carnegie FellowsHow Can We Better Serve First-Generation College Students?
A 2019 forum addresses the practical implementation of improving higher education and building education coalitions with the African diaspora
Carnegie Reporter Fall 2023Student SuccessAndrew Carnegie Fellows