The 2020–21 school year is requiring parents and guardians to play a much more active role in their children’s education, and many are turning to experts for advice and practical tips on how to best partner with teachers to support learning.
In an effort to help parents navigate this very different school year, Carnegie Corporation of New York sponsored a national Town Hall webinar featuring experts from PBS, Khan Academy, and Learning Heroes to address the challenges presented by distance learning and hybrid school models.
In the webinar for pre-kindergarten through eighth-grade parents, Sal Khan and Kristen DiCerbo of Khan Academy, Bibb Hubbard and Windy Lopez-Aflitto of Learning Heroes, and Lesli Rotenberg of PBS provide advice and tips on the issues parents care most about: how to keep children motivated, emotionally strong, and on track academically. Additionally, each organization offers simple, research-based tools and actionable steps that parents and guardians can use at home.
“What’s keeping me up at night is what’s probably keeping a lot of families up at night,” said Sal Khan, who, like many of the speakers, is a parent himself. “You alternate between thinking that your kids aren’t getting enough — enough socialization or academic preparation — and then you think, ‘maybe we’re doing too much’ and it feels overwhelming.” The webinar, which features live questions from real parents, is aimed at easing both types of concerns.