COVID-19 Impact in Africa: Opportunities for Partnership and Engagement
The Corporation’s Claudia Frittelli offers perspectives on the shifting landscape in African higher education
The Corporation’s Claudia Frittelli offers perspectives on the shifting landscape in African higher education
COVID-19 has prompted innovation in solving local problems among African higher education institutions as well as opportunities to strengthen their local, regional, and international collaborations. Claudia Frittelli, a program officer in Carnegie Corporation of New York’s Higher Education and Research in Africa program, offers perspectives on post-pandemic prospects in the webinar “COVID-19 Impact in Africa: Opportunities for Partnership and Engagement,” presented by the Alliance for African Partnership.
In addition to developing the Corporation’s Higher Education and Research in Africa program’s research, policy, and governance initiatives to sustain higher education reform, Frittelli also manages an initiative to improve linkages among the African academic diaspora in order to strengthen postgraduate training, teaching, and curricula development at African higher education institutions. She has developed and monitored the Corporation’s 10-year investment in strengthening African universities as a means to national development in Tanzania, Uganda, South Africa, and Ghana, and her work includes supporting university strategic priorities in research and graduate studies, staff development, information and communication technology, e-learning, gender mainstreaming, and community outreach.