Carnegie Corporation of New York Board Approves 33 Grants Totaling $31,827,300

At its quarterly meeting held in New York City on June 4, Carnegie Corporation of New York's Board of Trustees approved 33 grants totaling $31,827,300. Brief descriptions of each Board-approved grant are provided below.

At its quarterly meeting held in New York City on June 4, Carnegie Corporation of New York's Board of Trustees approved 33 grants totaling $31,827,300. Brief descriptions of each Board-approved grant are provided below.


Arms Control Association, Washington, DC
24-month grant of $625,000 for a project to confront challenges to nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament

Aspen Institute, Inc., Washington, DC
24-month grant of $250,100 for a high-level dialogue on U.S.-China relations 

Bipartisan Policy Center, Washington, DC
18-month grant of $425,500 as a final grant for a project on taking action to address the nuclear waste challenge

CDA Collaborative Learning Projects, Cambridge, MA
24-month grant of $500,000 for joint support with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs of a project on the role of business in peacebuilding 

Center for Strategic and International Studies, Inc., Washington, DC
24-month grant of $450,000 for a project on measuring Chinese power

Center for Strategic and International Studies, Inc., Washington, DC
24-month grant of $350,000 for a project on U.S.-China dialogue on bilateral and global economic issues

Center for Strategic and International Studies, Inc., Washington, DC
24-month grant of $500,000 for a project on security challenges in Russia and Eurasia and U.S.-Russia relations

Council on Foreign Relations, Inc., New York, NY
24-month grant of $398,500 for a project at the intersection of economics and security 

Council on Foreign Relations, Inc., New York, NY
24-month grant of $593,700 for a project to assess future conflict prevention challenges and priorities, and conduct timely and in-depth policy analysis of the Arab region, Russia's periphery, and Sub-Saharan Africa

University of Denver, Denver, CO
24-month grant of $500,000 for joint support with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a project on the relationship between international human rights norms and peacebuilding at the local level

University of Georgia Research Foundation, Inc., Athens, GA
24-month grant of $513,700 for a project to establish an integrated nuclear risk management culture in China

International Peace Institute, Inc., New York, NY
24-month grant of $342,400 for support of research, dialogue, and outreach on peacebuilding in Africa 

King's College London, London, United Kingdon
24-month grant of $1,999,300 for building a new generation of African peacebuilding scholars

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
36-month grant of $1,000,000 for a project in support of the security studies program

New York University, New York, NY
24-month grant of $421,700 for a U.S-China dialogue on Afghanistan and Pakistan

Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), Kampala, Uganda
24-month grant of $1,505,400 as a final grant for strengthening regional doctoral programs in African universities

Social Science Research Council, Brooklyn, NY
24-month grant of $400,000 for a project to help develop cooperative solutions to problems involving security on the Korean peninsula and in northeast Asia 


Center for Better Schools, Newport, RI
18-month grant of $650,000 for development of additional professional development programs and general support

Citizen Schools, Boston, MA
15-month grant of $500,000 for the US2020 initiative and school-based science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) apprenticeship programs 

Cleveland Metropolitan School District, Cleveland, OH
36-month grant of $3,000,000 for deepening work to develop and support three new secondary schools under the Opportunity by Design initiative

Education Pioneers, Inc., Oakland, CA
18-month grant of $1,500,000 for general support and implementation of strategic plan activities 

GreatSchools, Oakland, CA
12-month grant of $400,000 for informational videos to help parents and students understand the Common Core State Standards

InnovateEDU, Brooklyn, NY
36-month grant of $3,000,000 for developing and supporting new secondary schools under the Opportunity by Design initiative

The Learning Accelerator, Cupertino, CA
24-month grant of $500,000 for general support

Migration Policy Institute, Washington, DC
24-month grant of $1,250,000 for general support

National Center for Civic Innovation, New York, NY
48-month grant of $3,517,400 for the continued operations and development of Springpoint: Partners in school design to support the full portfolio of grantees in the Opportunity by Design initiative

National Center on Time and Learning, Boston, MA
24-month grant of $600,000 for continued support of knowledge development, technical assistance, and communications to improve school practice and outcomes through expanding learning time

Neo Philanthropy, New York, NY
24-month grant of $3,000,000 for support of the state infrastructure fund, a donor collaborative that focuses on nonpartisan voter engagement

New Venture Fund, Washington, DC
12-month grant of $500,000 for general operating support and a Common Core parent engagement initiative

North American Council for Online Learning, Vienna, VA
24-month grant of $1,200,000 for enabling innovative, next generation learning models and policy

The Teaching Channel, Oakland, CA
12-month grant of $334,600 for a dedicated Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) resource site on

University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
30-month grant of $500,000 for a research paper on principal strategies to improve teacher effectiveness in the New York City Department of Education. 

WGBH Educational Foundation, Boston, MA
24-month grant of $600,000 for research and production of a documentary about the science of learning and schools of the future.