The relationships, rules, institutions, and norms that make up the existing global order face numerous changes and disruptions. Carnegie Corporation of New York has launched a request for proposals that will advance and disseminate knowledge and understanding about the key determinants and consequences of the evolving global order.
Proposals should address one or more of the following questions:
- What are the types of political networks — alliances, coalitions, informal groups — that are (and will be) influencing the global order and to what end?
- What are the major factors — technological, economic, geostrategic, etc. — at national, international, or transnational levels that are playing (and are likely to play) a prominent role in the evolution of the global order and how will those factors play out?
- What is the global order likely to look like in 10 years — and why?
Strong proposals will:
- Identify the knowledge gap that will be filled by this project.
- Offer novel insights using new or overlooked information, methodologies, or research.
- Explain the project’s policy relevance.
- Include non-American views and perspectives.
- Engage academic and practitioner communities.
- Involve experts from underrepresented communities in the United States.
Through a competitive process, a small number of proposals will be selected for philanthropic grants of between $300,000 and $500,000 as one-time funding. The projects may run for up to 24 months. Finalists will be invited to submit a full proposal by April 2024. Recommendations for support will be made at the September 2024 meeting of the Corporation’s board of trustees, with a project start date of October 1, 2024.
Applicants must submit this COVER SHEET with a concept note (maximum 1,000 words) via EMAIL by January 28, 2024 (11:59 p.m. ET).
The concept note should answer these questions:
- How will your project fill a knowledge gap related to the forces shaping the global order?
- What activities will you undertake? How do these activities connect to the broader goal(s) of your project?
- Why are your institution(s) and key staff well-positioned to carry out this work? Do you plan to utilize any networks or partnerships?
- Projects may be based upon past or ongoing work but must represent a substantially new inquiry or idea.
- Think tanks, university-based centers, and independent nongovernmental organizations are eligible to apply. Individual researchers will not be considered.
- Applying organizations must be based in the United States but are encouraged, where applicable, to have international partners.
Please send process questions to
We cannot provide advice about whether a potential project is competitive or how it may be improved. If you feel that your work fits the call, we encourage you to submit a concept note.