Answers to grantees’ questions regarding how to communicate about a grant, credit Carnegie Corporation of New York, logo usage, and more.

How and when can my organization announce the receipt of our grant from the Corporation?

Public announcements, including press releases, about the receipt of your Corporation grant and/or grant renewal do not require approval from the Corporation. However, we do request a copy of the announcement prior to its release. The Corporation also requests advance copies of all subsequent news releases about your project's activities.

How do we contact the Corporation’s Communications office?

You may either call 1-212-207-6273, or email externalaffairs(at)

Do we need permission to convene a press briefing about our Corporation-funded work?

While you do not need permission, in order to avoid conflicts with other Corporation-sponsored programs, or to possibly include a Corporation officer in the planning of your event, you should inform your Corporation program officer or the Corporation’s Communications office well in advance of a planned press briefing.

How do we respond to press inquiries about our Corporation grant?

We encourage you to engage the media about your work proactively. If journalists or bloggers have questions that are more appropriate for the Corporation to answer, such as why your project was funded, please direct those inquiries to our Communications office.

When and how do we credit the Corporation?

The recommended language to credit support from the Corporation in a press release, publication, website, etc., is:

  • For materials where the Corporation provides full support: “Support for this [program, conference, publication, initiative, website, article, etc.] was provided by a grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York”;
  • For materials where the Corporation provides only partial support: “Support for this [program, conference, publication, initiative, website, article, etc.] was provided in part by a grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York.”

May we use the Corporation's logo?

Use of the Corporation’s name and logo — other than on our stationery and approved forms, and in the text of routine correspondence and documents — must be approved in advance by the Corporation’s Communications office.

Requests should identify the proposed use, medium (signage, published material, Internet, PowerPoint, etc.) in which the logo would appear, file format requested (.eps, .gif, .jpg, .tiff), and the primary audience.

The Corporation’s Communications office, in conjunction with the grantee’s program officer, will respond to all requests.

If permission for use of the Corporation’s logo is granted for use on the Internet, that permission is contingent on the inclusion of a link from the logo to, and removal of the logo and link once the grant is complete.

What is the policy for use of the Corporation's name and logo?

The name “Carnegie Corporation of New York” and our logo are the property of Carnegie Corporation of New York. Any use of our name or logo, including use on such items as printed literature, signage, exhibits and displays, publications, interactive media, websites, sponsored program literature and signage, joint publications, letterhead, news releases and/or announcements, must be cleared with the Corporation’s Communications office.

Permission to use the Corporation’s name and/or logo is at the Corporation’s sole discretion based on factors including how they would be used, in what setting, and the implied relationship represented.

Requests for permission to use the Corporation’s logo must be submitted to our Communications office and approved by the appropriate program officer. If usage is permitted, the logo must be reproduced in its approved colors and formats in accordance with style guidelines that will accompany the appropriate logo files.

Is there a style to which we should conform when referring to the Corporation in our communications?

In written documents, the name “Carnegie Corporation of New York” may be presented in different fonts and point sizes as long as the initial letter of each word, except “of,” is capitalized. Please also note:

  • The definite article “the” is not used when referring to the Corporation, e.g., “The XYZ Organization announced a grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York”.
  • On first reference, please use the Corporation’s full name; when it starts a sentence or when helpful, you may also use “Carnegie Corporation of New York”.
  • Use “Carnegie Corporation” (without the definite article “the”) on second and subsequent references.
  • Avoid abbreviating the Corporation’s name as simply “Carnegie” or as “CCNY”.
  • Never use “Carnegie Foundation.”

Does the Corporation have preferred boilerplate language we should use to describe it?

Please include the following boilerplate paragraph at the end of your press release:

Carnegie Corporation of New York was established by Andrew Carnegie in 1911 to promote the advancement and diffusion of knowledge and understanding. Today the foundation works to reduce political polarization through philanthropic support for the issues that Carnegie considered most important: education, democracy, and peace.

May we link to the Corporation's website?

The Corporation encourage grantees and other organizations to link to our website. Use of the Corporation’s logo as part of that link requires permission from our Communications office. In nearly all cases, permission will be granted as long as the logo is positioned only as part of the link and is not used to imply a different, broader relationship between the Corporation and the site.

How can we get our work featured on the Corporation's website?

An important goal of the Corporation’s website is to ensure that our various audiences are kept up to date on the work of our grantees. Please contact our Communications office if your Corporation-supported work: results in a publication or video; generates print and/or online media coverage; creates and posts important new content to your website; issues a press release; convenes a meeting that you believe is suitable for the Corporation to present on its own website.

Will the Corporation publicize the fact that we have received a grant?

Yes, we post grant information to our website including the name of the organization, the amount and purpose of the award, and the duration of the grant. The Corporation rarely announces the grant by disseminating news to the media and other audiences.

If we supply photos, video segments, or other media about our work, can they be used on the Corporation’s website?

We encourage grantees to submit high-quality images that depict the ultimate beneficiaries of their work. We have found that photographs that “tell a story” help us to convey the nature of our grantees’ work. For instance, photos of attendees at a conference on education reform are of little value — but images of young people in an education setting are much better. Please contact our Communications office before sending images and understand that we cannot use all images we receive, or may not be able to use those we selected immediately.