Grant amendment requests should be submitted via the grantee portal. Please email your primary program contact and, including your Grant ID number, if you need technical assistance. Please reference the guidelines below for required amendment materials.

Budget Revisions

  • The Carnegie Corporation of New York does not require a formal amendment process for budget revisions. However, if you need to modify your project budget by moving funds across line items, please contact and alert your primary program contact.

Carryover Requests

  • Explain why funds will remain unspent when the grant expires;
  • Include the projected or actual amount of unspent grant funds;

No-Cost Extension Requests

  • Include the new ending date for the grant;
  • Include a brief justification for the no-cost extension request;

Grant Transfer from Grantee Institution to Another Institution

  • Explain why the transfer is necessary;
  • Include the specific date when the proposed grant transfer will occur;
  • Include a final financial report from the original grantee (accounting to the day before the proposed transfer) that notes the amount of unspent grant funds that will be transferred;
  • Include a letter from the head of the original grantee institution or official authorized to sign on behalf of the grantee institution relinquishing the grant, including the amount of unspent grant funds to be transferred, a specific date of when the transfer will occur, and identifying the new institution as payor;
  • Add the EIN of the new institution to verify tax status;
  • Add the contact information for the person completing the online form;
  • Add the contact information for the new project administrator/financial officer (if applicable);
  • Submit ACH payment instructions for the new institution (if applicable) via the link in the online form; and
  • Include a budget for the use of remaining grant funds.

Repurpose Amendment Requests

  • If there are remaining funds at the end of the grant period, the Corporation will allow for 10% or less of grant funds for proposals that are $200,000 or less, or $20,000 or less for proposals greater than $200,000 to be repurposed for another charitable purpose;
  • Include a brief explanation about the remaining funds;
  • Choose one of the repurpose amendment options provided by the Corporation;
  • Repurpose amendment requested amounts greater than 10% or less of grants $200,000 or less, or greater than $20,000 for proposals above $200,000 can only be approved at the discretion of the Corporation’s president and program vice president.