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Thomas Weiss

Presidential Professor, The Graduate Center, The City University of New York

Thomas  Weiss

Thomas G. Weiss is the Presidential Professor of Political Science at the CUNY Graduate Center. He is a leading expert on the United Nations and on humanitarian intervention, and has written extensively about international organizations, conflict management, humanitarian action, the Responsibility to Protect doctrine, North-South relations, and U.S. foreign policy.

More 2016 Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program
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    Jens Hainmueller

    Associate Professor of Political Science; Associate Professor of Political Economics in the Graduate School of Business; Faculty Codirector of the Stanford Immigration and Integration Policy Lab, Stanford University

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    Landry Signé

    Distinguished Fellow, Political Science, Stanford University

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    Maribel Morey

    Assistant Professor, Clemson University

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    Marwan M. Kraidy

    Anthony Shadid Chair in Global Media, Politics and Culture; Director, Project for Advanced Research in Global Communication, University of Pennsylvania

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