Among the world’s most renowned political cartoonists, Ranan R. Lurie was born in 1932 in Port Said, Egypt. After a working for several years as an editor writer and cartoonist for daily newspapers in Israel, he immigrated to the United States in 1968. He has worked for magazines including Life,Newsweek,Time, and U.S. News and World Report, and his cartoons have been syndicated in more than a thousand publications globally. He believes that a dedicated political cartoonist, bearing the responsibility of being an "instant historian," should always be nonpartisan, treating each event according to its own merit. For eight consecutive years the National Cartoonists Society of America voted him one of the top three editorial cartoonists in the U.S., and he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002. Updated 2013
Ranan Lurie
Born in: Egypt
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