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Eliu Misael (Michael) Hinojosa

Chief Impact Officer, engage2learn, and Former Superintendent, Dallas ISD

Born in: Mexico
Eliu Misael (Michael) Hinojosa

Eliu Misael (Michael) Hinojosa was born in Mexico and immigrated to the United States with his family when he was in the second grade. He grew up outside of Dallas, Texas, and holds a doctorate in education from the University of Texas at Austin. 

Hinojosa’s four-decade career in public education, taking him from teacher and coach to school systems leader, includes more than 27 years as a superintendent/CEO, 13 with the Dallas Independent School District (ISD) — one of the nation’s largest school systems. He retired in 2022 and is now chief impact officer at engage2learn, a nonprofit that partners with public schools to accelerate student outcomes and retain teachers. 

Several career achievements stand out for Hinojosa — chiefly, getting broadband access for Dallas students in record time during the COVID pandemic. “People were depending on me,” he told EdTech magazine in early 2023. “You can’t wait and sit back and hope. Hope is not a strategy.” Diversity also increased among school leaders during his tenure, and the Dallas ISD developed a “tremendous dual-language program.” 

Hinojosa was named Superintendent of the Year by the Texas Association of School Boards and by the University of Texas at Austin, and Outstanding Latino Educator by the Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents. He also received the Green-Garner Award, the highest honor in urban education. 

Hinojosa advises immigrant families: “My parents, for example, with only a 3rd grade education, knew how important it was to be in school.… One generation removed and most of my family are high school and college graduates.… Don’t chase the money, don’t go for instant gratification, go for the long game, and education gives you the long game.” 

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