Max Weiss is an associate professor of history and Near Eastern studies at Princeton University. He is the author of In the Shadow of Sectarianism: Law, Shi`ism, and the Making of Modern Lebanon; co-editor (with Jens Hanssen) of Arabic Thought Beyond the Liberal Age: Towards an Intellectual History of the Nahda, and Arabic Thought Against the Authoritarian Age: Towards an Intellectual History of the Present; and translator, most recently, of Dunya Mikhail's The Beekeeper and Nihad Sirees'States of Passion.
Project Title: The Hallowed Sanctuary: An Interpretive History of Modern Syria
In the News:
- 70 Years of the United Nations in International Affairs (Oxford University Press)
- 70 and Counting: Whither the UN? (Democracy: A Journal of Ideas)
- January 1, 2017: Let the Honeymoon for UN Reform Begin (International Peace Institute)