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Lisa A. Bryant

Associate Professor and Chair of Political Science, California State University, Fresno

Lisa A. Bryant

Lisa A. Bryant is an associate professor and chair of the Department of Political Science at California State University, Fresno. Her research on election administration and voter behavior includes studies on voter confidence, voter ID, and how election reforms influence turnout. She also studies how voter mobilization efforts impact registration and turnout. Bryant is recognized as an expert on elections by the MIT Election Data and Science Lab (MEDSL).

Bryant’s project, “Polarizing the Process: Partisan Effects on Election Officials and Trust in Elections,” will examine how political polarization is affecting the work of state and local election officials regarding workload, workplace safety, and attitudes about the profession. She will also examine how polarization is impacting trust and confidence in elections among partisan and nonpartisan voters and how election officials could impact these attitudes and help rebuild trust in elections. 

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