Beheruz Sethna, born in India in 1948, served as the sixth president of the University of West Georgia - the first Indian-American to lead a university in the U.S. During his 19-year tenure he catalyzed the growth of the school's enrollment by 50 percent, turning a small liberal arts college into an institution with full university status. Today he continues teaching undergraduate courses as a professor of business administration at Richards College of Business. He holds a PhD in business, as well as a masters in philosophy from Columbia University. "I am honored to be selected by the Carnegie Corporation to be included in this set of Great Immigrants," he said. "I have always believed that the United States and India are bound by strong philosophical ties of democracy, freedom of the press, entrepreneurship and business, excellence in academics, and the like. So, to me, being a naturalized U.S. citizen is my own one-person affirmation of the ties between these two great democratic nations." Updated 2014
Beheruz Sethna
Born in: India
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