Maya Ward is a program analyst in the Education program. Prior to joining the Corporation, Ward was the Director of School Engagement in the Arts at The 92nd Street Y, New York (92NY), where she was responsible for the oversight, design, and implementation of arts education programs and initiatives for public schools across New York City and nationally.
Before working at 92NY, Ward was an executive assistant to the chief advancement officer at The Public Theater. Her previous experience includes working in New York City public schools through undergraduate service-learning courses and an AmeriCorps teaching fellowship. From 2019 to 2022, she served on the advisory council of the Career Internship Network (CIN), a learning network for practitioners at cultural institutions that offer youth internship and career readiness programs.
Ward graduated with a bachelor's degree from New York University’s Gallatin School of Individualized Study with a concentration in sociology and performance studies.
Maya Ward
Program Analyst, Education
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