Kristina Harding

Program Analyst, Education

Kristina Harding

Kristina Harding is a program analyst within the Corporation’s Education program. Prior to joining the Corporation, Harding was a senior program liaison at PRACTICE Benefit Corp., overseeing the implementation of in-person and virtual academic programs across New York City schools. Prior to her role at PRACTICE, Harding was a research associate at edCount, LLC, where she managed grant reporting and communication activities for federally funded education grants that focused on using principled assessment design to develop assessment materials aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards. Before joining edCount, Harding worked as a junior advocate at a national Social Security disability law firm, where she assisted in case management and conducted legal writing in preparation for cases. She also served as a City Year New York corps member in the Bronx, providing classroom support for an individual teacher, leading literacy tutoring for a small group of third-grade students, and facilitating programming at an afterschool program. 

Harding earned her MA in educational transformation–policy and advocacy from Georgetown University and a BA in political science and education history and policy from Brown University.

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